
Circling Image

Our audiovisual production methodology is structured in chapters, in which we leverage the richness of legends, deep-rooted customs, and oral tradition as a source of inspiration for creating various forms of content. These include documentaries, informational capsules, musical compositions, interactive workshops, live presentations, and activities aimed at environmental preservation, among others. This approach allows us to explore and disseminate cultural diversity and traditional knowledge in a meaningful and respectful manner.

Chapter 1


Our community is rooted in the foothills of a majestic hill known as Quilotzin, whose name evokes the legendary figure of a Mexica princess. This enclave is imbued with a rich oral tradition and countless legends that have woven the tapestry of our collective memory over the years.

The inhabitants of Quilotzin maintain an intimate connection with the nature that surrounds them. This special bond is manifested in the harmonious coexistence with the native fauna that shares their habitat and in the respectful use of the local flora, which has been an integral part of our traditional medicine for centuries.

Both in current times and in the distant past, Quilotzin has been and continues to be the setting for sacred ceremonies and everyday activities fundamental to our community. This sacred and emblematic place stands as a representative symbol of our identity and cultural roots, being an unavoidable point of reference in the history and present of our people.

Chapter 2

El hermano de fermín

The lagoon of San Miguel Almaya has witnessed numerous tragedies throughout our history. Over time, both ancestral legends and contemporary stories have emerged that help us make sense of and process these painful events. In this episode, we delve into the complex process of collective mourning triggered by the tragic drowning death of a prominent member of our community.

We explore in detail the customs, rituals, and personal processes surrounding this unfortunate event, shedding light on how our society faces and overcomes loss. Through interviews conducted with depth and sensitivity, we present the intimate perspective of one of the affected family members: the brother of Fermín, the deceased individual.

This story seeks not only to narrate the facts but also to delve into the emotional and cultural complexity that accompanies the loss of a loved one. Additionally, it invites us to reflect on the importance of community bonds and the emotional resources that help us cope with moments of profound pain and transformation.

Chapter 3

Canción de amor 2.7

In the community of Almaya, love is manifested and experienced in a wide range of forms, spanning from traditional marital relationships to fraternal bonds, religious and philosophical attributions, all within the context of a population that celebrates and accepts a diversity of sexual identities. The way love is lived and understood in San Miguel is as varied as it is evolutionary, thus reflecting the constant change and development of our identity as a people.

With the purpose of commemorating Valentine’s Day, we have conceived this special chapter in order to foster understanding, tolerance, and peace, while documenting the multiplicity of interpretations that currently exist about this powerful feeling. Our goal is to explore how love manifests in different aspects of daily life and how it influences our personal, community, and cultural relationships.

As a result of this project, we will present a series of final products that capture the richness and complexity of love in our community. This will include a mini-documentary that offers an intimate view of various experiences and perspectives, an original song that reflects the different emotional nuances of love, and a live session where reflections and experiences will be shared in an environment of open and respectful dialogue.

Chapter 4

Rosa y su bebé

The presence of witches and witchcraft has always played a fundamental role in the identity of our community. From the outside and from within, Almaya has been labeled by many as a town marked by witchcraft. From an early age, our grandparents pass down horror stories that, beyond entertainment, contain valuable lessons of wisdom, alerting us to dangers and teaching us necessary precautions to face evil.

These stories coexist with legends of ancestral figures who, in pre-Hispanic cultures, possessed knowledge about the use of herbs and energies to heal and transform realities. Moreover, they intertwine with contemporary tales of individuals in the community who practice these ancient arts and sciences.

This chapter delves into the collective memories and personal experiences of the inhabitants of our community in relation to the concept of witchcraft today. Through stories like that of Rosa and her baby, we explore encounters that have marked the perception and understanding of this practice in our community. These narratives not only offer an intriguing view of witchcraft in Almaya but also shed light on its cultural significance and its impact on our daily lives.


Chapter 5

Día de feria

The Santo Patrón of Almaya, San Miguel, holds a prominent place in the life and culture of our community. Recognized as a protector, defender, and a reason for celebration and worship, San Miguel plays a fundamental role in the cohesion and identity of our town. He has become a central figure that unites the community around their faith and devotion.

San Miguel has taken on a role similar to that which Tláloc might have held before, and his presence is especially felt during the September fair, an event that represents the ultimate expression of our town’s devotion to its Santo Patrón. This festivity is a time of joy and camaraderie where the inhabitants of Almaya gather to honor and pay tribute to San Miguel.

Each of us holds memories and experiences of this celebration, which not only enrich our individual lives but also help define our youth and strengthen our connection to an ancestral tradition. The rituals and practices carried out during the fair connect us with a temporal cycle that has endured throughout the history of our town.

For all these reasons, we extend a warm invitation to all those who wish to immerse themselves in the festive and spiritual atmosphere of the Almaya fair. We encourage you to join us and experience this unique celebration, full of tradition, culture, and devotion to our beloved Santo Patrón, San Miguel. 

Chapter 6

La siembra

Since time immemorial, the agricultural cycle has set the pace of our perception of time in Almaya. Our most important festivities and our daily activities have been carefully organized around the natural rhythms that provide us with the fruits of Mother Earth. From the life cycle of corn to the change of seasons, we observe how our lives are closely intertwined with the seeds we plant and care for diligently, hoping they will provide sustenance in the future.

In this fascinating chapter, we delve into the deep connection we maintain with this ancient agricultural cycle. We document the varied planting techniques still practiced in Almaya, a legacy from past generations that have learned to adapt to the demands of the land and climate. From traditional methods passed down from parents to children to modern innovations aimed at optimizing yield and sustainability, each planting technique tells a unique story about our relationship with the land and our efforts to preserve its fertility and generosity.

Through interviews with local farmers and direct observation of their agricultural practices, we explore the rituals and traditions associated with planting in Almaya. We discover how wisdom accumulated over the centuries intertwines with innovation and adaptation, in a continuous effort to ensure food security and the well-being of our community. This chapter invites us to reflect on the importance of honoring and preserving the natural cycles that sustain our lives and inspires us to continue caring for and protecting the land that gives us life.